Restoration and ennoblement of a former coaching inn in Provence, Bérengère Leroy architectural firm


The mission of Bérengère Leroy architectural firm was to transform and give character to this ordinary bourgeois house to accommodate prestigious events.

The interior was just an empty shell that needed to be recomposed, the entrance consisted of an uninteresting sand courtyard and the southern part of a lawn full of weeds.

The architects Bérengère Leroy therefore recomposed the circulation patterns inside, designed and had all the fireplaces, the dining kitchen as well as the sliding doors for the bathrooms, the bathtub surrounds and the dressing rooms manufactured.

The staircase banister was redesigned and decorated with medallions, wide strip oak floors and polished concrete floors were installed.

Outside the Architects Bérengère Leroy have created a main courtyard in old cobblestones decorated with a central fountain, an entrance door in medallions and a French garden decorated with 4 bird baths on the southern part.

Bérengère Leroy chose the aesthetic biases of the interior decoration of the place by integrating major decoration brands: Armani and Ralph Lauren.

The place has transformed from a bourgeois house into a luxurious and elegant resort in which Jean Réno, Gwyneth Paltro and the biggest luxury brands have since filmed.